King of Hearts Cardiac Event Monitor
Biomedical Systems is a Cardiac Monitoring company established in 1975 as a Holter Monitoring service & ECG analysis company. Biomedical Systems expanded their service offerings years ago to include cardiac event monitoring and clinical trial services. Biomedical Systems is an accredited Independent Diagnostic Testing facility offering Cardiac Event Monitoring services with Card Guard’s King of Hearts patient-activated symptomatic cardiac event monitor.
Features of King of Heart Cardiac Event Monitor:
- 24/7 support from a staff of fully certified cardiology technicians trained to recognize cardiac rhythms and assist patients of all ages
- Dedicated customer service personnel that provide warm and courteous assistance
- On-site associates provide training on use of monitors and web applications
- Reliable Monitors – delivered on time
- Our patient-friendly event monitors ensure that you get the highest reliability and most accurate ECG recordings possible
- Post-symptom and memory loop recorders are available, including auto-trigger devices
- Each monitor includes batteries, electrodes, and a prepaid shipping envelope for device return
- Monitors are sent immediately with each new enrollment, ensuring that devices are always available to meet your patients’ needs
Biomedical also offers a multifunction wireless ambulatory cardiac monitoring device called the TruVue™ . The TruVue™ cardiac monitor has several advantages over cardiac event monitoring devices that are available in the industry. The TruVue® can be used either as a wireless event monitor or as a mobile cardiac telemetry device. For more information about the device, click Bio Medical TruVue™ Mobile Cardiac Telemetry
Biomedical Systems’ laboratory is staffed with certified cardiac technicians that analyze the ECG findings, post reports in real-time and alert physicians to significant findings based on customizable notification criteria.
- Home
- Our Services
- Contact Us
- Terms & Conditions
- 24 Hr-30 Day Monitoring
- Indications for Holter
- Wearable AECG Monitors
- Patch Holter Monitoring
- Holter vs Event Monitor
- Holter Companies
- ReelCardio LLC
- Applied Cardiac Systems (ACS)
- Bardy Diagnostics
- GE Healthcare
- Hemodynamics Co.
- HillRom
- ACS Holter Monitors
- BardyDx CAM Patch
- EZecg Patch
- GE Healthcare Holter Monitor
- ZIO Patch
- Midmark IQholter Holter Monitor
- Philips – BioTelemetry ePatch
- Philips ePatch
- ReactDx TelePatch Holter Monitor
- ScottCare Chroma Holter Monitor
- Spacelabs Holter Monitors
- Welch Allyn Holter Monitors
- Real-Time ECG
- MCT Indications
- MCT vs. MCOT vs. ACT
- MCT Companies
- ReelCardio LLC
- ACS Diagnostics (ACS)
- Philips Healthcare
- ReelCardio ReelWearable+ Plus
- ACSD CORE-2 Real-Time Monitor
- Philips | BioTelemetry MCOT Patch
- CardioNet MCOT™ Monitor
- LifeWatch LifeStar ACT Monitor
- Event Monitoring Overview
- Indications of Use
- Events vs. MCT
- Event Companies
- ReelCardio LLC
- Applied Cardiac Systems (ACS)
- Phillips BioTele CardioNet
- ACS Cardiac Event Monitor
- Braemar Event Monitors
- Cardionet Event Monitors
- LifeWatch Event Monitors
- QRS Event Monitor
- ReactDx TelePatch Event Monitor
- ScottCare Event Monitor
- Spacelabs CardioCall VS20
- Industry News
- Billing & Reimbursement
- Investment Opportunities
- ECG Arrhythmia Guide
- Partner with Us
- Contact Us