
Admission to the University and to all its programs and operations is open to all persons regardless of race, creed, color, sex, age, marital status, handicap, veterans’ status, or national origin who meet the admission requirements and qualifications of the University.

The University requires a non-refundable $20 application fee of all applicants. The fee is payable when the application is submitted to the Office of Admissions. Application deadlines for each semester (Fall, Spring, and Summer) are published on the Important Dates Calendar maintained by the University Registrar’s Office. Applicants should refer to this calendar for applicable dates.

For information and application forms, contact the Enrollment Services, 2000 Lakeshore Drive, New Orleans, Louisiana 70148; or access the University on the World Wide Web at

Undergraduate Admissions

Categories of Admission and Procedures

High School Early Start Admission

High School Early Start

Outstanding high school students may be admitted to the University while still enrolled in high school, if they meet University admission requirements.

Dual Enrollment

Immediately following the freshman year in high school, students may be enrolled in University courses that carry corresponding levels of high school credit during the Summer, Fall, or Spring terms, if they meet first year GPA and test score admission requirements. Students may enroll in up to seven hours in the Summer term and nine hours in Fall or Spring terms. Dual Enrollment students receive a reduced rate of tuition. Students interested in participating in this program should contact their high school counselor to determine eligibility and ensure any credits earned at UNO will count for credit at their high school. All university deadlines and requirements are applicable.

Early Enrollment for High School Students

Students having the approval of their high school principal may “skip” their senior year of high school and enroll as full-time students at the University. These students may be eligible to receive their high school diploma from their home high school after successfully completing 24 University semester hours of credit.

To be admitted as an Early Enrollment Full-Time Enrollment Student, a prospective student:

  1. must have completed the junior year of high school,
  2. must be recommended for Early Admission by the high school principal,
  3. must have earned a 2.5 average on all high school grades, and
  4. must have earned a minimum admission scores for the ACT or PLAN (18 English, 19 Math), SAT or PSAT (450 English, 460 Math) or ACCUPLACER NG (English 250, Elem. Algebra 250) tests.

Freshman Admission

Students who graduate from state-approved high schools must complete the Louisiana Board of Regents Core Curriculum (See Core Curriculum listed below) and require no developmental/remedial courses (ACT of 18 or higher or SAT score of 500 or higher on Writing and Language, ACT of 19 or higher or SAT score of 510 or higher on Mathematics is non-remedial) AND one of the following:

Out-of-State and Homeschooled students who do not meet the core curriculum must meet in-state requirements as listed above

If 17-18 units of core are met, must have a composite ACT score of 23 (SAT I Math + Writing and Language combined score of 1130 or greater) and 2.5 Core GPA and require no developmental/remedial courses.

Adult Freshmen age 25 and over who are graduates of state approved high schools (or have received their GED) must also show the need for non-developmental coursework as demonstrated by the appropriate testing requirements.

Louisiana Board of Regents

Core 4 Curriculum (Requirements for High School Applicants)

Units Course
English (4 units)
1 English I
1 English II
1 English III
1 English IV
Math (4 units)
1 Algebra I or Applied Algebra I or Algebra I-Pt. 2
1 Geometry or Applied Geometry
1 Algebra II
1 Financial Math or Math Essentials or Advanced: Pre-Calculus or Advanced: Functions & Statistics or Pre-Calculus or Calculus or Probability and Statistics or Discrete Math or approved electives
Science (4 units)
1 Biology
1 Chemistry
2 Physical Science or Integrated Science or Physics I or Physics II or Physics of Technology I or Physics of Technology II or Aerospace Science or Biology II or Chemistry II or Earth Science or Environmental Science or Agriscience II or Anatomy and Physiology or approved elective (including approved IBC-related course)
Social Science (4 units)
1 Civics or AP American Government + Free Enterprise (1/2 unit each)
1 American History
1 World History or World Geography or Western Civilization or AP European History
1 World History or World Geography or Western Civilization or AP European History or Law Studies or Psychology or Sociology or Civics (second semester, 1/2 unit) or African American Studies or approved IBC-related course (Religion I, II, III, IV for non-public schools)
Foreign Language (2 units)
2 2 units from same language or 2 Speech courses
Arts (1 unit)
1 Fine Arts Survey or 1 unit: Art or Dance or Music or Theatre Arts or Applied Arts or approved IBC-related course
19 Total Core Curriculum Units

NOTE: Other courses may be acceptable as substitutes for courses in the core curriculum. Contact LOSFA at for more information on acceptable substitute courses.

All freshman applicants should submit their applications as early as possible in their senior year. Applicants who meet admission requirements will be admitted conditionally as soon as possible after receipt of the application, official test scores, and official high school transcripts. UNO will retrieve transcripts for Louisiana high school graduates from the Louisiana State Transcript System (STS) if available. An official transcript certifying courses, grades and graduation from high school is required before the student can be fully admitted.

Transcripts must be mailed directly from the high school to the UNO Office of Admissions in order to be considered official; ACT/SAT I scores must be sent directly to UNO from the American College Testing Program/Educational Testing Services.

Advanced Standing Examinations

Students of superior ability and preparation and students who have already obtained a fundamental knowledge of subjects offered by the University may be permitted to take departmental advanced standing examinations in specific courses, which, if passed satisfactorily, will enable the student to receive degree credit. The Advanced Placement tests of the College Board, International Baccalaureate exams taken at the Higher Level, the subject examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DSST, UXCEL, and military coursework also may be used as a basis for allowing advanced standing credit. Details on advanced standing are outlined in the chapter entitled University Regulations. Please note that advanced standing credit earned may not be used for the last 30 hours of degree requirements.

Privateer Pathways

Privateer Pathways is designed for students who, because of their ACT or SAT scores, need additional support in mathematics and/or English. Skills will be developed through the strategic delivery of academic support to students.

Fall 2019
English Pathways English Math
ACT 16-17 19
SAT (old) 390-420 460-470
SAT (new) 450 510
Compass 61 40 Algebra
Accuplacer 65 65 Elem Alg
Accuplacer NG 240 250
Fall 2019
Math Pathways English Math
ACT 18 18
SAT (old) 450 430-450
SAT (new) 500 430
Compass 70 38 Algebra
Accuplacer 86 55 Elem Alg
Accuplacer NG 250 240

Each student will be individually evaluated for program eligibility based on high school transcripts and test scores. Participants will receive academic advising on courses required as part of the Pathways program.

All students accepted into Privateer Pathways will need to complete the Privateer Pathways Agreement to officially confirm your participation in the program.

  1. Register and attend New Student Orientation.
  2. Attend all classes: I am required to abide by the attendance policy outlined in the syllabus for each course. In the event of an absence, I will need to provide the instructor with a reasonable explanation to receive an excused absence (e.g., death or critical illness in the family, jury duty, personal illness). I will be responsible for the material presented as well as assignments/quizzes that I missed for the class session.
  3. Meet with my academic advisor at least once during the first semester.
  4. Meet with my UNIV instructor at least once during the first semester.
  5. Participate in:
  6. Maintain at least a 2.0 Grade Point Average

Transfer Admissions

Those applicants who are now or have been in college should submit applications as early as possible in the semester preceding the date that admission is desired. Eligibility for admission cannot be determined until the application and complete official transcripts from each college and university attended have been received. Applicants should refer to the Important Dates Calendar on the University Registrar’s website for application deadlines. Applicants must list on their applications each college and university attended and have transcripts sent from all institutions attended, regardless of whether or not credit was earned. Any student who fails to acknowledge attendance in each college or university in which he or she has been registered is subject to immediate dismissal from the University.

Students enrolled in college at the time applications are submitted should have transcripts sent when they apply for admission, to be followed by the complete final transcript at the close of the semester. The admissions decision is not complete until the final transcript from the institution where the applicant is currently enrolled is received.

All students transferring to UNO must have at least:

OR meet the following requirements:

Credits earned at other post-secondary institutions and presented for transfer credit will be evaluated according to four considerations:

  1. the educational quality of the institution from which the credit is being transferred;
  2. the institution is a member of one of the six regional accrediting agencies;
  3. the comparability of the nature, content, or level of credit to that offered by UNO; and
  4. the appropriateness and applicability of credit earned to the programs offered by UNO.

The extent to which credits earned in colleges and universities are accepted toward the degree program is determined by the dean of the college in which the student plans to major. If students have previously received a failing grade in 1158 from UNO, they must take and pass ENGL 1158 with a grade of C or better.

Transfer students with less than 24 semester hours of earned transferrable credit must satisfy freshman requirements as well as transfer admission requirements.

Admission to the College of Engineering

First-time freshmen

First-time freshmen admitted to the university will be admitted to the College of Engineering with an engineering classification.

Engineering students must meet the following criteria prior to enrolling in an engineering course above the 3000level:

If a student fails to qualify for a first course in calculus or does not have a cumulative GPA of 2.25 or higher by the end of the semester in which 36 credit hours are attempted (W’s, SUS’s, and XF’s count toward the number of credit hours attempted), the student will be removed from the College of Engineering.

Transfer Students

Students transferring from another university or college are considered transfer Students. The following admission regulations apply to transfer students:

  1. Students transferring into any of UNO’s College of Engineering programs must have earned a C or better in all courses expected to be transferred for curriculum credit.
  2. Transfer students with fewer than 24 transferable hours must meet the first-time freshman engineering requirements. In addition, they:
    1. Must have earned at least a 2.25 Transfer GPA on all coursework, and,
    2. Satisfy all other university admission standards.
    1. Qualify for a pre-calculus trigonometry course (e.g., MATH 1126 ),
    2. Have earned a 2.25 or higher Transfer GPA, and,
    3. Satisfy all other university admission standards.
    1. Qualify for or have credit in a college-level calculus course (e.g., MATH 2114 ), and,
    2. Satisfy all other university admission standards.
    1. Qualify for or have credit in a college-level calculus course (e.g., MATH 2114 ), and,
    2. Satisfy all other university admission standards.

    Engineering orientations are offered in conjunction with the freshmen and transfer student orientations.

    Re-entry Admissions

    Former UNO undergraduate students who were not enrolled in the regular Fall and Spring semester immediately preceding the semester of desired enrollment must apply for admission according to the deadline published on the Important Dates Calendar maintained on the University Registrar’s website. If intervening college work was taken, official transcripts from all institutions attended must be submitted before an admissions decision can be made.

    Former students who were on scholastic probation and are readmitted will be continued on scholastic probation regardless of the grade point average earned at the other institution(s).

    Former students who left on their first scholastic drop may be readmitted on probation after they sit out the requisite one semester. Students who left on their second scholastic drop may be readmitted on probation after they sit out the requisite two semesters (not including summer). Some students may be required to appeal based upon their quality point deficiency. Those students will be required to submit an appeal letter. Those students will be notified by email upon submission of their new application. If it is determined that the student does not have enough hours left to reach a cumulative 2.0 before graduation, they will not be readmitted. Students who left on their third or more scholastic drop will be required to sit out 6 full semesters (3 years), and will only be admissible on academic renewal or appeal.

    Guest Student Admissions

    Transfer students who are enrolled in any accredited college or university and wish to enroll in UNO for one semester [ONLY] must have earned at least a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and must be eligible to return to their home institution. Admission as a guest student will terminate at the end of one semester and does not presuppose acceptance by any college or division of the University of New Orleans during the next regular semester. Students attending on this basis must submit all official university transcripts in which they are currently enrolled stating total number of credit hours previously earned. Enrollment at the last accredited institution of higher education must not have resulted in an academic/disciplinary suspension. Students will be required to seek permission to enroll in all courses by the applicable department(s) offering the desired course(s).

    New freshmen entering UNO during the Summer term are classified as Summer-only students even though they plan to attend another university in the Fall. To be eligible, freshmen must meet normal freshmen admission requirements.

    Special Student Admissions

    This program is designed for non-degree seeking students who are not currently enrolled in another institution and whose intention is to only enroll in undergraduate courses.

    Eligibility Requirements for Special Students

    To be eligible for enrollment in undergraduate courses with the Special Student status, prospects must satisfy the following requirements:

    1. Never attended college, prospect must meet freshmen admission requirements; or,
    2. Attended college, student must be eligible to return to their home institution and have at least at 2.25 GPA. Enrollment at the last accredited institution of higher education must not have resulted in an academic/disciplinary suspension.
    3. Prospects must submit all prior transcripts to be considered.
    4. International students and veterans planning to attend UNO under one of the public laws governing veterans’ educational benefits are not eligible for the special student program.

    Credits Earned - Special Students

    Credits earned in Special Student status are recorded on the student’s permanent academic record. A minimum of 30 semester hours can be earned as a Special Student. After a student earns 30 credit hours, the student must complete the “Change to degree-seeking status” form and meet regular admission requirements in order to continue enrolling at UNO. The form can be found here:

    Academic Advisement and Continuing Each Semester - Special Students

    Because prior college work is not posted to the student’s UNO Transcript, students must contact the department that offers the course to determine course enrollment eligibility. This may include taking necessary placement tests in English, Mathematics, and Foreign Language. All prior transcripts and test scores are added to the student’s file and will be available for the college office. To continue each semester, the student must complete a request in the Admissions Office and meet satisfactory academic progress the prior semester.

    A Special Student may not petition for academic renewal or permission to take advanced standing examinations. In addition, a Special Student may not receive credit for bypass courses, College Board Advanced Placement Examinations, the College Level Examinations Program, armed services courses, and correspondence courses. Special Students who change to degree status may petition the dean of their college for all of the above.

    Special Students are not eligible for financial aid.

    International Admissions

    Citizens of a foreign country applying to UNO as freshmen or transfer undergraduate students are expected to meet all requirements for admission to the University. Graduates of foreign secondary schools who have completed the equivalent of at least an American high school diploma may apply for admission to UNO. Transfer applicants are considered for admission on the basis of previous college records. The deadline dates for filing applications and submitting complete official records can be found on the Important Dates Calendar maintained on the University Registrar’s website at

    Proficiency in the English language is vital to the academic success of international students at UNO. For any applicant graduating from a high school located in a non-English speaking country, admission will be based on the following:

    1. A minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
    2. A minimum SAT Comp score of 1130 or ACT Comp score of 23
    3. A minimum SAT Math score of 510 or ACT Math score of 19
    4. A minimum SAT English score of 500 or ACT English score of 18

    If the applicant cannot meet the minimum SAT or ACT English scores, they can gain admission by having a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA as calculated by the Admissions office and one of the following:

    1. A minimum score of 70 on the Test of English Foreign Language (TOEFL).
    2. A minimum band score of 6.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

    Upon arrival at UNO, international students who have been accepted with TOEFL or IELTS scores will be required to take the English Department’s placement exam and will be placed into the appropriate English course based on this measure.

    International students seeking to transfer to UNO from an international two or four-year college admission will be based on the following:

    1. The student must have earned at least 24 hours of college-level credits including a college-level math course
    2. If the student has earned fewer than 24 credit hours, of college-level credits they must also meet the freshman admission requirements.
    3. The student must have earned a minimum GPA of 2.25 on all college work; and,
    4. The student must have earned a minimum of a 70 TOEFL or 6.5 IELTS score.

    For additional information on the TOEFL, visit For additional information on the IELTS, visit

    Admission to UNO from IELP

    The Admissions Office will conditionally admit students to the International English Language Program (IELP). The admission letter will include language that to be fully admitted to UNO, the student will need to meet the following criteria:

    1. Prospective students must earn a minimum SAT Math score of 500 or ACT score of 19 or minimum 65 on the Elementary Algebra section of the ACCUPLACER test.
    2. Prospective students must earn a score of at least LCT 70+/ GVR 70-75+/ WC 75+ on the Michigan Test; and,
    3. No Compass scores for English or other measures will be used to satisfy English competency

    In certain cases, applicants with superior academic credentials who do not meet the minimum TOEFL requirement may be considered for admission into the Intensive English Language Program before pursuing a degree. All applicants are required to provide evidence of sufficient funds to cover all costs while studying at the University.

    It is mandatory that all international students participate in the student medical insurance program. Fees for this insurance will be assessed at registration.

    Credit from other institutions

    Through the Office of Academic Affairs, the Registrar and the Director of Admissions share responsibility for the admission of transfer students and the acceptance transfer credit at the University of New Orleans. The University of New Orleans transfer admission policies abide the Board of Regents Policy, the Undergraduate Catalog the Graduate Catalog, and posted on the Registrar’s website BOR Transfer Policy.

    Undergraduate Admissions:

    An undergraduate transfer applicant should request each college or university he or she has attended to send a transcript to the Office of Admissions. Upon receipt of all transcripts, the previously earned credit is reviewed and a Cumulative GPA is determined for purposes of admission. Once admission has been determined, those credits are then evaluated for application toward those courses making up the degreed program of study.

    Office of the Registrar:

    Courses evaluated by The University of New Orleans for credit earned from regionally accredited institutions will carry the grade earned at the institution where the courses were taken if the grading system used is comparable to UNO’s grading system. Technical and vocational credits are not accepted, credits for varsity sports, or credits from non-accredited institutions are not accepted. Transfer students should become familiar with sections of this Catalog concerning the grading system, course repeat policy, and other academic regulations.

    The extent to which any transfer courses may be applied toward a degree at UNO is determined by the Academic Dean of each College. A transfer student may complete requirements for graduation in the UNO Catalog in effect at the time of initial enrollment unless the student elects to change to another curriculum or there is a break of one semester or more in attendance at UNO. If there is a break of enrollment greater than one term (excluding Summer), the student is subject to the Catalog in effect when re-entering. Students who change their Major will be subject to the Catalog in effect when the change of Major occurs.

    Students who wish to transfer credits to UNO which were earned in a nontraditional manner (i.e., CLEP Subject or General Examinations, Advanced Placement, or Departmental Examinations),will have these evaluated by the Office of Admissions, through the Office of Academic Affairs, will be granted for Departmental Examinations and CLEP Examinations if the course(s) are listed on the student’s official transcript with a passing grade or the equivalent, and are within the policies for credit at the University of New Orleans. Advanced placement credit will be given in areas in which UNO normally grants such credit as shown elsewhere in this Catalog.

    Transfer students who have question(s) concerning their transfer evaluation may request a review of the evaluation by their academic dean, their department head, the Director of Admissions, and/or the head(s) of the department in which the course(s) are offered at UNO. Requests must be made in writing to the Director of Admissions and must list the specific course(s) in question. The student may be required to furnish course descriptions and may be required to appear before the appropriate college or department personnel.

    In order to facilitate a more efficient transfer of courses among public colleges and universities, the Louisiana Board of Regents has established a Master Course Articulation Matrix. This matrix indicates transfer equivalences of courses among Louisiana’s public college and universities, and may be accessed through the Board of Regents’ webpage at It remains, however, the prerogative of the receiving institution as to whether a course will count toward a particular Major, whether a particular grade is required, or whether the course will satisfy general education requirements. Students should therefore always contact UNO prior to transferring courses.

    Community or Junior College Transfer Credits

    All academic hours earned at a community or junior college will be posted on the UNO transcript upon the student’s transfer. However, the maximum number of hours transferable from a community or junior college for degree credit is sixty. No credit earned at a junior college may be used for credit at the 3000 or 4000 course level.

    The School of Interdisciplinary Studies will consider for application toward the integrative learning plan (ILP) and elective requirements of the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree plan up to 30 credits earned in a completed Associate of Applied Science or equivalent technical degree program from a regionally-accredited institution.

    Course credits from fields not otherwise transferrable to the University of New Orleans will be considered for transfer only to the BIS degree plan. All other credits earned from a regionally-accredited Associate’s degree program are transferrable per established UNO policy.

    Prospective transfer students should contact the School of Interdisciplinary Studies for a preliminary evaluation of transfer credit and advising on the BIS degree plan.