On this page you can download manuals of the various versions of air heaters which Winterwarm produced in the past years. The correct version for your heater can be deteremined by checking the validity date of the manual and compare it with the production date information on the indentification badge at the back of the heater. Not sure which manual is applicable for your heater? Please contact our Office - tel. 01925 765799
IX3912 - MTC clock thermostat V3
IX3911 - MTS roomthermostat V2.5
IB5902 - Interface Board Argus V7
IW3959 - Clock thermostat 230V.
IW3960 - On/off room thermostat
GA3955 - Steppless speed controller 0-10V
GA3992 - 2-stage thermostat WSP
GA3919 - WiWatronic clock thermostat for WSP
GA5904 - Modbus Interface
GA5903 - Modbus control set
GA5906 - 0-10 V. input control set
GA4009 - Set for external alarm signal (DXC/DXE)
GA4012 - Set for external alarm signal and reset, with relay (DXC/DXE)